Santa Cruz County
Dog Training & Puppy Classes
Helping people & dogs become better life partners.
Located in Santa Cruz County since 1999
8022 Soquel Dr
Aptos Village, CA, 95003
Rally Obedience
Rally obedience continues to grow in popularity because if its upbeat style of working and interacting with your dog. Rally focuses on the relationship the handler has with the dog and teamwork that is displayed as they make their way through the course of rally signs. It is a great way to improve your obedience work and your relationship.
Rally is a fun and exciting way to promote a positive working relationship between handler and dog. Dogs will be asked to do sits, downs, turns and heeling with many variations. Rally will help your dog become a better companion "take anywhere" dog.
Practice Rally-O Fun Runs
In Fun Runs, each handler will be allowed 10 minutes in the ring total. A run usually takes about 2 minutes. Courses will be set up in advance. There is no instruction in the practice fun runs but students work with each other to learn the rally courses. A course will be set up. Help for set up and tear down is always welcome. This is a great way to share training ideas and discuss strategy. Please pay in advance online. You can also use a Family Dog 3 credit from our flex program.
Rally obedience (also known as Rally or Rally-O) is a dog sport based on obedience. It was originally devised from the obedience practice of "doodling" - doing a variety of interesting warm-up and freestyle exercises. This sport involves moving from station to station and performing a variety of skills over a 10 to 22 station course.
The dog and the handler proceed around a course of designated stations with the dog in heel position. The course consists of 10 to 20 signs that instruct the team what to do. Handlers are allowed to encourage their dogs verbally during the course. Offered by a multitude of venues, Rally is taking off across the country with national as well as regional competition.
Prerequisites: We are looking for connection and focus between dog and handler around distractions as the main requirement for this class. Handlers should have practiced good timing using mark and reward (not bribing) and reinforcement with food and non-food options. Dogs who are attending Family Dog 2 and have done 6 to 8 classes, are fairly attentive and have good basic obedience skills (sit, down, heel, stay and release) should be prepared to do well in this class. You can ask one of our instructors for an evaluation after class and they will let you know if you and your dog are ready.