Santa Cruz County
Dog Training & Puppy Classes
Helping people & dogs become better life partners.
Located in Santa Cruz County since 1999
8022 Soquel Dr
Aptos Village, CA, 95003
Treibball (Urban Ball Herding!) Classes & Events
NOTICE: Sport classes do not use the same login information as the obedience classes. You will need to follow the prompt for new clients and create your own account when you first register for the interest list or your first class.
Treibball means Ball Driving
Treibball is a sport of distance skill and teamwork. Your dog will get great exercise and play an engaging game. Dogs quickly gather large exercise balls into a goal, based on the handler's signals. Handlers learn to direct the dog to go out around the group of balls, wait for direction, go left or right and drive the ball into the goal, then go out for another one until the balls are all in the goal.
Train for a sport and build a better relationship with your companion dog! You'll have fun and learn tips and tricks that come in handy on the field.
Ball Herding is for all types of dogs, especially herding dogs and ball crazy dogs. Much like sheep herding, Treibball is for the dog that needs a project.
Dogs must have good basic skills (Family Dog 2) to participate. Dogs can be as young as 12 months. Dogs may be working off leash together in class, so they must be dog friendly but attentive and responsive to you as your teammate.
Obedience skills that are used in Treibball training and competition are hand target, attention, reliable recall, sit, down, stay, heel and wait. Your dog should be proficient in these skills before signing up for Treibball, so you can spend your class time working on Treibball skills and not on obedience skills. Obedience skills are covered in Family Dog classes and are not covered in Treibball classes.
Treibball Prep School - Fun Basics for Beginners
6 week class that explores the fun basics of "ball driving" and you will learn the skills to play Treibball: Targeting, orientation, distance impulse control and ball driving.
Treibball is for all types of dogs. Treibball is perfect for the dog who likes to chase or needs a job, regardless of breed, age or size. Dogs typically do better in this class with short daily home practice sessions.
Dogs must have good attention to the handler around other dogs, and basic obedience skills (see Family Dog 1 class) to participate. Dogs can be as young as 8 months.
Dogs may work off leash or on long lines together in class.
LWD instructor Monica Pielage has been training Treibball for 6 years. She has been on Treibball demo teams throughout the Monterey Bay Area and she and her Australian Shepherd, Jojo love the sport and have achieved 5 Treibball titles from NATE; TE-N, TE-I, TE-A, OTE-N and OTE-I.
Why train your dog Treibball? Watch this video presentation.